
  • Communication Policy

    Communication between the school and home plays an important role in the ongoing education of our students. We encourage our parents and teachers to keep in regular contact to ensure that students progress is monitored and essential support is provided.

  • Notes Sent Home

    Students receive hard copies of notes to take home for excursions, nominations for growth groups etc. Please complete forms by the cut off dates and return with the student to the school. Envelopes/bags containing money should be placed in the secured black box located in the front office for processing.
    Additional copies of notes can usually be obtained in the front office.

  • Parent Information Evenings / Sessions

    At various times throughout the year, the school conducts Parent Information evenings and Parent/Teacher Meeting evenings. These times are used to convey important information regarding the learning program or to discuss student progress.

  • SMS

    At times, the school may send SMS messages to parents to convey vital information or reminders. The SMS system is also utilised to advise parents of unexplained Late Arrivals and Absences from the school.

  • Reporting to Parents

    In July and December, progress reports are issued for each student.
    Generally this also coincides with discussions that include the parents, teachers and students.

  • Assemblies

    Assemblies are conducted every second Friday at 8.50am and generally finish by 9.30am. The assemblies are an opportunity to conduct performances linked to the learning program and to acknowledge the achievements of students. Assembly dates are published in the term planner, with reminders or changes published in the newsletter. The organising class and dates will be notified in the term planner and newsletter.
    Parents, friends and relatives are encouraged to attend to learn more about the school and celebrate student successes.

  • Special Events and Celebrations

    Throughout the year the school conducts special events including Anzac Day Ceremony, Harmony Day, NAIDOC week, Book Week, Book Fair, Faction carnival just to name a few.
    Event details are included in the newsletter.

  • Website

    Visit our website for comprehensive information about Wanneroo Primary School, policies, forms and frequently asked questions.

  • Facebook

    Wanneroo Primary School maintains a facebook page which features upcoming and recent new/events that may relate to your child or family. Like us on facebook to stay up to date with our posts.

  • Talking to Your School

    The relationship between the home and the school plays a very important part in a child's education.

    Teachers are responsible for the more formal aspects of children's learning, which builds on the home experiences of the child. This is most effective where there is an active partnership and two-way communication with the parents.

    Parents also contribute much to their child's development and are amongst the most important influences on the way the child approaches learning.

    And if issues do arise, the partnership that is formed between the parents and teachers can be used to manage the situation to gain the best outcome

    What might you talk to your school about?

    Issues particular to your child such as:

    • Attitude
    • Academic progress
    • Participation
    • Behaviour
    • How he/she gets along with teachers and other students socially and emotionally
    • Physical development and well-being
    • Development of responsibility
    • Non-attendance or truancy
    • Learning program issues
    • Special events and celebrations
    • Specialised learning programs
    • Parent information booklets or
    • Parent information sessions.

    School or class issues such as:

    • Quality of teaching
    • Homework
    • Learning environment
    • General student behaviour
    • Pastoral care for students
    • Schools policies and procedures
    • Conduct of staff

    Access to support services:

    • School and regional level student services
    • Visiting teachers for students with disabilities
    • Visiting teachers for ESL students
    • Specialist facilities - language development centres, intensive language centres, socio-psycho educational resource units, education support schools, centres and units
    • Programs for students experiencing difficulties with learning
    • Programs for gifted and talented students
    • Instrumental music program

    You are welcome to talk to your child's teacher whenever you need to. However, you should make an appointment to talk with the teacher, to avoid disrupting the learning program.

  • What can you do if you have a problem?

    Seeking information as early as possible can solve many problems. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, the homework set or the assessment procedures, contact the class teacher. The best way to do this is to contact the school office to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone conversation or meeting.

    Interpreters, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officers, and Aboriginal Liaison Officers are available to assist parents in communicating with the school. Please contact your local school or district education office if you would like to use these services. You can also have a friend or adviser present during any discussion.

    When you have a problem:

    • Try to identify the problem clearly before going to the school. If there is more than one problem, list them to ensure that the extent of the problem is clear to the school.
    • Decide whether the problem is a query, a concern or a complaint. This will help in finding a solution.
    • Make an appointment to talk with the teacher. This can be arranged through the school office. If your concern is about the conduct of a staff member, you may prefer to discuss the matter with a school administrator or the Regional Executive Director if your complaint involves the principal.
    • Try to stay calm. Even if you don't feel it, being calm will help to get your concerns across more clearly than if you are upset or angry. It may help to take someone with you.
  • Healthy Schools Policy

    Wanneroo Primary School endeavours to encourage and develop positive attitudes towards healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.

    Crunch & Sip® break is a set break for students to eat fruit or salad vegetables and drink water in the classroom. Wanneroo Primary School has introduced Crunch & Sip® to support students to establish healthy eating habits whilst at school. To view more information, click on the Healthy Schools Policy.

    Download Healthy Schools Policy Here
  • Mobile Phone Policy

    Students are not permitted to have mobile phones turned on during school hours. Students who bring their phone to school are expected to surrender the phone to the front office each morning for safe keeping and then collect it at the conclusion of each day. 

    If there is a compelling reason for a student to have access to a mobile phone during school hours, an application for an exemption must be negotiated directly with the principal by the parents. Student mobile phones will be confiscated if turned on without an exemption.

    The school will not accept responsibility for the loss, theft or damage to a student’s mobile. Students are not permitted to take photographs or video on their mobile phones on school premises.

  • Parking

    The staff car park on Shaw Road and the car park on Church Street are only available to vehicles with the appropriate permissions. Parking is restricted to areas with clearly marked bays on Shaw Road, Frederick Street and Church Street.

    The guidelines for parking will only work if everyone is considerate. Under no circumstances should you be dropping off or collecting your child from the staff car park.

    Please see the documents below for more information.

    School Parking - City of Wanneroo - School Road Safety Awareness

    Download School Parking Brochure Here

    School Parking - Wanneroo Primary School - Traffic and Parking Information

    Download Traffic and Parking Information Brochure Here


  • Regular attendance at schools is fundamental to student learning. Irregular attendance comes at a real cost to each student’s education and seriously jeopardizes their future opportunities.

    Attendance patterns and attitudes to school and learning are formed early and parents who make regular attendance a priority are also helping their children value learning and accept responsibility.

    Children who develop good attendance habits in the early years are more likely to maintain them throughout their school years. This is vitally important because students who do not attend regularly miss out on carefully planned sequences of instruction and on active learning experiences and class participation.

    While the majority of children who miss school do so for legitimate reasons, such as illness, it is concerning that some students miss school for unexplained or unreasonable reasons. In line with the Department of Education attendance strategy, parents need to be aware that if their child misses school to go on holidays during the term, their attendance will be recorded as unreasonable. Attendance from Pre-primary to Year 6 is compulsory.

    Parents are expected to provide an explanation for any absences or exclusions from physical education or sport lessons (a doctor’s certificate should be provided for a long term withdrawal from sport).

  • Absentees

    If you child is going to be absent from school you must contact the school using one of the following methods:

    • SMS 0417 097 435 (text message only)
    • Phone the school directly on 9306 0500
    • Email to wanneroo.ps@education.wa.edu.au
    • Advise the office in person or by written communication

    To ensure your child’s potential is being maximised at school it is important that you:

    • Provide the school with an explanation if your child is away.
    • Contact the school if you are having difficulty getting your child to school.
    • Where possible arrange doctor and dentist appointments out of school hours.
    • Arrange personal shopping trips or birthday celebrations out of school hours.
    • Arrange local, interstate and international trips during school holidays.
    • Do not allow your child to stay at home for minor reasons.

    Attendance is managed through a computerised database. Every unexplained absence for that day will trigger an SMS to be sent at 10.30am to the child's parent/guardian requesting an explanation. Any continued unexplained absences will be referred to the school administration and where necessary the North Metropolitan Regional Office.

  • Late Arrival

    If your child is late to school it distracts other students and staff who have already commenced the learning program. Your child may also feel uncomfortable and have difficulty adjusting to the learning program already underway. If you child arrives after the 8:45am siren he or she is required to:

    • Report to the office to be recorded as late on the attendance system and
    • Collect a late slip to hand to the teacher prior to entering the class.

    Your cooperation and courtesy in working with us to ensure your child arrives at school by 8:30am and no later than 8:45am is appreciated.

  • Departure

    Students are dismissed from school at 2:50pm. To avoid distracting the students working in classrooms, parents are asked to:

    • Wait away from the vicinity of the classrooms as your presence is distracting for the class and your child in particular and
    • Be prompt in picking up your child/ren as staff may have meetings and courses to attend immediately after school

    The following duty of care exists after school:

    • Parents collecting children assume responsibility for their child’s supervision while on school grounds after the children are dismissed.
    • Your child must leave the school grounds immediately after being dismissed.
    • No child, including those in the care of their parent, are permitted to use the play equipment before or after school.
  • Early Release

    Once at school, your child will not be permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day without an adult under any circumstances. If you wish to withdraw your child from school during school hours you are required to:

    • Report to the administration area.
    • Sign your child out in the Student In/Out Register.
    • Collect a signed Student Release Form.

    Before a child is released from the classroom a parent/guardian will be required to provide the Student Release form. Persons other than the parent or legal guardian wishing to remove children from school must first have parental and school approval in writing or be an emergency contact on the child’s student enrolment form.

Illness and Medical Information

  • Illness

    Parents are encouraged to keep sick children at home. Coughs, colds and stomach ailments tend to go in cycles and it is best children are kept at home to reduce the chances of infecting other children. Minor injuries are treated at school but parents will be contacted when any injury or illness requires further attention. It is important that contact details are kept up to date to ensure that in times of need the school can contact a parent or an emergency contact.

  • Medication

    In accordance with Department of Education policy, parents requiring medication to be administered to their child at school need to complete the necessary forms at the office. These forms require the signature of the prescribing doctor. Any changes to medication will require alteration to these forms as they are a legal instruction to those taking responsibility for administration. Health care authorisation forms will need to be renewed annually. Please refer to Student Health Care, Parent Information below.

    Download Student Health Care, Parent Information
  • Head Lice

    Parents are advised that should their child be found to have live head lice during the school day they may be asked to collect their child. Children may return to school once treatment has occurred and there are no remaining live lice. Unless all eggs have been removed from the hair a recurrence of head lice can occur. If several children in one class are found to be affected, all parents with children in the class will be notified by class note.

    The presence of head lice is an ongoing community problem causing inconvenience to the child, family and school. By working cooperatively as a school community, the presence of lice at school can be reduced. Please refer to Department of Health information on head lice below.

    Head Lice, what parents need to know
  • Communicable Diseases

    Should your child contract any of the following illnesses they may need to be excluded from school. Please note that this list is not a complete list and you will need to check with your medical practitioner for confirmation. In the interests of others it is important to notify the school immediately if your child contracts any of the following:

    • Conjunctivitis
    • Chicken Pox
    • Diphtheria
    • German Measles
    • Glandular Fever
    • Head Lice
    • Hepatitis A, B or C
    • Measles
    • Mumps
    • Parvovirus B19
    • Ringworm
    • Scabies
    • School Sores
    • Vomiting
    • Whooping Cough
    • Other (please check with your medical practitioner)

    Quality information about treatment for the conditions above can be accessed on the Health Direct website and through the Department of Health Communicable disease guidelines below.

    Communicable disease guidelines Health Direct Website
  • Dental Therapy Centre

    A Western Australian Health Department Dental Therapy Centre is located next to the Art Room and can be accessed from Church Street. To receive treatment, a student has to be registered with the centre. The dental therapists can be contacted at the centre on 9405 3178 or contact Head Office on 9313 0555.

  • Dress Code / Uniform Policy

    Students, parents and staff are proud of Wanneroo Primary School. To encourage school spirit and foster and enhance the public image of the school, the School Council has implemented a dress code for all students.

    In addition to wearing the uniform at all times, students are expected to dress in a neat and tidy manner. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery worn except for sleeper or stud earrings.

    Please download the dress code policy below for details on the uniform requirements which form part of the dress code

    Dress Code Policy Here
  • Hats are compulsory

    To ensure that students take appropriate precautions for protection against the sun at all times, the school has a No Hat/No Play policy applicable all year round.

    A navy bucket style hat is the endorsed/approved style. Sun damage is common in our Australian climate: The regular use of broad spectrum SPF30+ sunscreen is also recommended.

  • Faction T-Shirts

    In response to student interest in faction t-shirts, the new uniform includes a faction t-shirt. Children will be asked to wear this shirt on Fridays ONLY for FACTION FRIDAY.

  • Where do I purchase the uniform?

    The uniform is available direct from the Uniform Concepts Super Store.

    The Uniform Concepts Joondalup Super Store is open 6 days a week.

    For information such as opening times, contact details and address please visit their website.

    Uniform Concepts

    Uniform Concepts also offers online ordering for customers who are unable to visit the store. The Uniform Concepts Super Stores offer appointments during term 4 (October to November to provide new and existing students with the opportunity to organise their uniform needs in readiness for the new year thus avoiding the last-minute rush and queues of January.