Student wellbeing is an integral aspect of learning, individual development and participation in whole school life. Learning is enhanced through the provision of a healthy, safe and happy environment that ensures that students develop positive behaviours and attitudes towards themselves, others and their learning.
Student wellbeing is the responsibility of all members of staff and people working at the school. As well, a mutually supportive approach between home and school is essential to each student’s wellbeing.
The School has a Student Services Team Team comprised of the Principal, Associate Principal, School Psychologist, School Nurse, School Chaplain, one At Risk Coordinator for Yrs 3-6 and one At Risk Coordinator for K-2. The team meets fortnightly for 1.5 hours to discuss the wellbeing of identified students at risk within the school. From there we organise case conferences, assessments, teacher meetings, review plans, participation in appropriate programs etc.
Programs operating in the school to support well-being are described below.
The school is fortunate to have a Chaplain, Amelia McIntosh, for two days per week – Wednesday and Thursday – which is funded through the National Chaplaincy Program.
School Nurse
‘Nurse Mel’ visits the school most weeks on a Thursday.
School Psychologist
Our School Psychologist Cathy Worthington is in the school every Thursday and every second Tuesday.
RAINBOWS Support Groups
Rainbows is a peer support program for children suffering significant loss issues in their lives. Groups are small – 1 facilitator to 4 children – and focus on developing resilience and emotional healing.
BRAVE Online Groups
BRAVE is an online, psychological program for the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The Program was developed by a team of researchers at the University of Queensland. As a result, the Program is based on actual research evidence, and parents can rest assured their child is receiving a high quality treatment program.
BRAVE is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the most effective method for overcoming anxiety in children and teenagers. Around 80% of children are free of anxiety after completing the therapist-assisted, BRAVE-Online Program.
Students work independently online with a facilitator to assist when needed. Groups have up to 4 children.
Buddy Classes
Junior classes are teamed with senior classes in order that a mutual exchange of responsibility and care is fostered. Buddy groups have been established so that older children in our community take responsibility for the care of our younger members and develop a friendly relationship with them.
Life Skills
Run as group sessions, with 8 students in each group, providing students with training in self-regulation, social skills and social resistance skills.
Theory of Mind
Theory of Mind training teaches students how to recognise mental states (such as thoughts, beliefs and emotions) in themselves and in other people. Forming a theory of mind is critical in our ability to understand ourselves and others. This ability to understand mental states allows people to introspect and consider their own thought and mental states. Such self-awareness is important in the formation of a strong sense of self.
All classes practice mindfulness at least three times a week for 5-10 minutes after the lunch break. Mindfulness is a special way of paying attention that can help with how you cope with everyday life or deal with tough times. Finding time for mindfulness creates great benefits for your physical and mental health.
When you’re mindful, it:
Check out Smiling Mind - a tool that can help you find clarity and contentment and that we are currently using in classes.